Writers Interviews, Momcilo Mrdakovic


It’s always great to get together with a large group of writers and investors and keep up to date on what’s new, the screenplay contest, any recent deals, new dealmaker contacts, agents or managers that are looking and simply encouraging everyone to keep going after every dream in this difficult industry. For the hard working writer we want to do as much as we can to continue the exposure and word of mouth in the investment circles of the industry. Another way we do this is with writer interviews that we send far and wide and showcase at all possible meetings and markets.

We want to encourage your writing spirit, motivate you and again give you the accolades you so deserve.


Written by Momcilo Mrdakovic

What motivated you to become a writer?

At some point in my life, I realized that the only person of all the people I knew or met with interesting stories to tell is myself. I guess it is a result of my non-conformist life. After getting my master’s degree, I left my country and traveled. Never had a steady job, never got married, never had kids. All I have is my stories. Since nobody reads any more, why not make them into movies?

Starting on a blank page is not easy – where does your creativity come from?

Maybe the page is blank, but my head is not, luckily. Besides my own experience, this work is also inspired by the life and work of writer Edgar Hilsenrath.

Do you write projects knowing that so many other factors need to happen to get it to screen and does that come into your project creation?

Since I already created the first part of my New York Trilogy called MAMAROSH (Mama’s Boy), a feature film funded by four European countries. BRONSKY will be the second part. Since it has to be shot mostly in New York and it will cost more that your usual European film, I have to find the rest here in the USA. And that is not an easy tusk, which I was fully aware when I started this project.

What is your dream for this project and what other ancillary revenue do you think it could generate?

My dream regarding BRONSKY is that the project will attract proper financing so I don’t have to make compromises during production. If I manage to make it the way I envision it, this film will draw a lot of attention in the theatrical run and in the awards season. It could also cross into the other media in the US and elsewhere, since there was already a stage production in Paris, France.

How has your experience been with screenwriting contests for this project so far?

This is the second screenwriting contest that I take part in, with the BRONSKY screenplay and it made the Hot 100 List 2022. The first one was the 2022 STAGE 32’s True Story / Biopic Screenwriting Contest, where it achieved a semi-finals status.

If you could stand in a room full of investor partners looking at many projects, what would you like them to know about you and this project?

I would ask them if they are willing to do something different and something that they would be really proud of. Something that could be a significant film and remain in the public view for a long time. Something that speaks about real life, about life and death, about survival in the darkest moments in human history but with a very special mixture of tears and laughter. Since I was in the war myself, I know that gallows humor saves everyone in dire moments.

Do you have any website links for your writing, credits, background, etc. that you would like to share.



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By | 2022-07-31T08:35:24+00:00 July 31st, 2022|Film Investors, Screenwriting Contests|Comments Off on Writers Interviews, Momcilo Mrdakovic