Writers Interviews, Katie Rebhan


It’s always great to get together with a large group of writers and investors and keep up to date on what’s new, the screenplay contest, any recent deals, new dealmaker contacts, agents or managers that are looking and simply encouraging everyone to keep going after every dream in this difficult industry. For the hard working writer we want to do as much as we can to continue the exposure and word of mouth in the investment circles of the industry. Another way we do this is with writer interviews that we send far and wide and showcase at all possible meetings and markets.

We want to encourage your writing spirit, motivate you and again give you the accolades you so deserve.

“Upside Ground”

Written by Katie Rebhan

screenplay contests

What motivated you to become a writer?

After hearing about the V.A. scandal in 2014 I became enraged and prayed for a way to help veterans. In the days that followed I began to have ideas that, with the help of my sister, became a finished screenplay. The first script was not received well but it stayed on my mind and years later I decided to give it another chance.

Starting on a blank page is not easy- Where does your creativity come from?

My sister has been my greatest inspiration as a mentor and as a writer. At a young age she taught me how to meditate and now I rely on my intuition to guide me on what to write. If I get blocked I just tune in and ask, “What do people need to hear right now?” and ideas soon follow. I am still very new to writing but it has been a great outlet for self expression so far.

Do you write projects knowing that so many other factors need to happen to get it to screen and does that come into your project creation?

When writing I mostly think about the people that the finished product will reach and how it will affect them. The script is just the beginning and I understand it takes a village to make any dream a reality.

What is your dream for this project and what other ancillary revenue do you think it could generate?

Upside Ground ends with information about Veterans Inc, a homeless shelter for veterans. Right now they only have locations in New England and it is my dream that with enough publicity it could fund at least one in every state. I imagined a Veterans Inc table in the lobby of the theater where they could recruit volunteers and raise awareness.

How has your experience been with screenwriting contests for this project so far?

I have yet to receive a response from any contests, but it gives me hope knowing the script is out there and not just in my head anymore. Some feedback would be helpful as I am not a professional but would like to get the message out about putting politics aside and supporting veterans in need.

Do you have any website links for your writing, credits, background ect that you would like to share?

My real dream is to become a meditation coach and connect people all over the world in virtual group meditation and intuitive development classes. It is still in the works but can be viewed at upsidegroundma.com. I have a few blogs posted and there is one titled, “11:11- The one synchronicity no one ever talks about.” That tells a little more about how Upside Ground the movie came into creation.

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By | 2020-06-01T15:03:31+00:00 June 1st, 2020|Film Investors, Screenwriting Contests|Comments Off on Writers Interviews, Katie Rebhan